Frank Tracy Griswold III

The 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

A Message from the Presiding Bishop on HIV / AIDS

June 10, 2003
Frank T. Griswold

October 31st, 2000

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

For many years now the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church has asked congregations to set aside time each autumn for a Day of Prayer for Persons affected by HIV/AIDS and for all who have died of this disease. I commend those who have participated in this observance over the years, and urge individuals and congregations to join in this offering of prayer and set aside time as appropriate for you. I also encourage you to participate in World AIDS Day observations on December 1, 2000: through your own prayer, in your congregations, and in your community. Information on resources is available at the web site of the National Episcopal AIDS Coalition, which is

As limbs and members of the Body of Christ we share one another’s burdens. This calls us to pray for all those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS, and also for medical research such that a cure may be found.

We are well aware of the affects of the disease here in our own country; many of us have lost someone we love to HIV/AIDS or know someone whose life has been touched by it in some way. However, it is almost impossible to comprehend the devastation of HIV/AIDS on our sisters and brothers around the world. In some countries up to forty percent of the population is infected.

Let us join in prayer for all affected by HIV/AIDS, remembering as well all those who suffer from any illness and disease of mind, body, or spirit. Let us share one another’s burdens so we all may be strengthened by our oneness in spirit. Most particularly, let us give thanks for the love and healing power of the Risen Christ.

Yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold
XXV Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church, USA

