President of the House of Deputies

President Julia Ayala Harris serves as the 34th President of the House of Deputies, where she leads alongside the Presiding Bishop to guide The Episcopal Church in its governance and mission. Together, they balance the spiritual and organizational needs of the church, inspiring Episcopalians to embody Christ’s love in their communities. Re-elected at the 81st General Convention in 2024, she is the first Latina and woman of color to hold this esteemed position. President Ayala Harris’s leadership is marked by a deep commitment to truth-telling, reconciliation, and fostering a church that boldly reflects the love and justice of Jesus Christ.
As a lay leader, President Ayala Harris has championed governance and collaboration, contributing to the life of The Episcopal Church through roles on the Executive Council, justice-focused initiatives, and various legislative bodies. She has led initiatives focused on truth-telling, justice, and reconciliation within the church, advancing its mission to create a more inclusive and compassionate community. Her presidency is informed by her lived experiences as a Latina, a mother, and the daughter of an undocumented immigrant, bringing a unique perspective to her ministry of connection and transformation.
President Ayala Harris’s journey in The Episcopal Church has been one of healing and wholeness, rooted in the assurance of God’s unconditional love. She carries this message into every aspect of her work, inspiring faith communities to embrace their shared mission to build the Beloved Community. Through storytelling, prophetic witness, and pastoral care, she encourages Episcopalians to live into God’s call to bring healing, equity, and justice to the church and beyond.
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