Office of Government Relations

Public Policy and Witness Weekly Prayers – Week of March 16 – 22

March 21, 2025
Office of Government Relations

If the Lord had not been my help, 
my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. 
When I thought, “My foot is slipping,” 
your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. 
When the cares of my heart are many, 
your consolations cheer my soul. (Psalm 94:17-19) 

We invite you to join us as we share new prayers each week for the vulnerable among us facing challenges, fears, and threats. We will name many of the harms unfolding around us and acknowledge what is being erased, lost, and threatened. 

Please join us in prayer and share these prayers with your dioceses and parishes. 

We are one church united in prayer, naming reality in the face of lies, creating space for grief in the face of denial, and freeing space in our souls for hope. We gather to be the body of Christ for one another—bearing one another’s burdens—and pointing the world to the cross and its redemptive power already at work through our witness (even when it may not feel like it).   

These prayers are not a replacement for action; they offer grounding and space to discern what actions each of us feel compelled to take. We may feel called to meet with or contact our elected officials, participate in community organizing, provide services to those in our communities, or join in protests or acts of civil disobedience.   

As a church, our advocacy continues, and we invite you to join us.  The Episcopal Public Policy Network has weekly action alerts, resources, webinars, and trainings. Learn more here

Prayers for the week of March 16 – 22

Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

Most merciful God, we mourn the renewed violence in the Israel-Hamas war, where more than 400 men, women, and children were killed this week in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes. We lament the demise of hope that the ceasefire would hold. We weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn in the face of renewed death and destruction. We pray for the fearless people working at the al-Ahli Hospital. Send your comforting presence to be among your children in the Holy Land, and send your spirit of wisdom and courage to those there and around the world who continue to push for a just, lasting peace. Amen. 

Prayer for Good Governance

Rock of our salvation, we raise to you our concerns that the foundations of our democratic republic are being attacked and disregarded. We pray for the safety of judges, and we pray for all in government to respect the rule of law, a foundation of our democracy. Help us remember that fundamental principles like government checks and balances bolster the human rights of all. May all those in power remember their duty to uphold the principles that contribute to the pursuit of justice, equity, and protection from harm. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Vulnerable In Schools

God, Source of all wisdom, we pray for your blessing over our nation’s schools. Be with students who have disabilities and with low-income students as we lament the additional challenges they will face resulting from the weakening of the Department of Education. Strengthen and comfort them, their teachers, and their caregivers. Amen.

Prayer for United States Institute of Peace

Heavenly God, we lament the trauma and fear in which many civil servants are living. Today, we especially name the U.S. Institute of Peace, whose office space was forcefully entered by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). We pray for their mission to prevent and resolve violent conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase peacebuilding capacity, tools, and intellectual capital worldwide. Help your church be a source of comfort and support for them. Amen.

Prayer for South Sudan

Holy God, we lament the harm caused to siblings across the globe by the disruptions and cancellations of U.S. foreign aid spending. This week, we especially name South Sudan, where violence and hunger threaten millions. While we may not be able to resolve conflicts alone, we lament the pain and hardship in those countries caused by U.S. policy decisions. We pray for you to work through our hands and those of others to provide for those in need. Amen.

The Office of Government Relations