Office of Government Relations

Public Policy and Witness Weekly Prayers – Week of March 9 – 15

March 14, 2025
Office of Government Relations

If the Lord had not been my help,
my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. 
When I thought, “My foot is slipping,”
your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many,
your consolations cheer my so. (Psalm 94:17-19) 

We invite you to join with us as we offer the following prayers. We will share new prayers each week, and we will pray for the vulnerable among us who in this moment face particular challenges, fears, and threats. We will name many of the harms unfolding around us and acknowledge some of what is being erased, lost, and threatened.  

We are one church united in prayer, naming reality in the face of lies, creating space for grief in the face of denial, and freeing space in our souls for hope. We gather to be the body of Christ for one another, bearing one another’s burdens, and to point the world to the cross and the redemptive power already at work through us and our witness (even when it may not feel like it).

These prayers are not a replacement for action; they offer grounding and allow us space to discern what actions each of us may feel compelled to take. We may feel called to meet with or contact our elected officials, participate in community organizing, provide services to those in our communities, or join in protests or acts of civil disobedience.

As a church, our advocacy continues, and we invite you to join with us.  The Episcopal Public Policy Network has weekly action alerts, resources, webinars, and trainings. Learn more here.

Please join us and share these prayers with your dioceses and parishes.

Prayers for the week of March 9 – 15 

Holy God, you call each of us by name in the fullness of who You created us to be. We join in the lament of our nonbinary and transgender siblings whose identities are being removed from government documents. We remember Pauli Murray, whom we celebrate with a feast day, and whose biography was deleted from a government website. Amen.

We lament and recognize when dehumanizing language is used against anyone: immigrants, transgender siblings, activists and protesters, and all those who are struggling to preserve our democracy. Help us to feel Your unconditional love for ALL, especially those whose identities are not respected by society. May that love fuel us in our accompaniment and advocacy. Amen.

We pray for those who were arrested this week by federal immigration enforcement. We pray for all those in detention and who long to be reunited with families, for those who desire safety. We lament the fear that raids and registries have inflicted upon our communities. Hold those in detention, their loved ones, and all affected gently in your arms, O God of Compassion. Amen.

God of all nations, we pray for those who are persecuted for your name’s sake. We lament the failure of our institutions to uphold the rights of all of our neighbors.  Amen.

O Lord, we pray for the workers at USAID who have had their life’s work and livelihoods halted. We pray for those who were to benefit from those programs; ease their suffering. We lament the chaos, uncertainty, and anxiety that so many of your children are now struggling under. Be with them, Lord, as you are with us. Amen.

Holy God, Your Son is the Prince of Peace, and we pray fervently for peace across the world. This week, we especially pray for Ukraine. We lament the deaths, injuries, and destruction facing the citizens of Ukraine and Russia as conflict rages. We ask for Your wisdom to prevail and a true, lasting ceasefire to be implemented. Make us instruments of your peace, Lord. Amen.

The Office of Government Relations