Urge Congress to Support Gun Safety

As our nation mourns the lives lost in the mass shooting in Orlando last weekend and we remember the lives lost in previous mass shootings, we must mobilize together to call for much-needed gun safety reform. Episcopalians around the country are standing together to oppose hatred in all its forms including homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and racism, and we are standing together to call for peace.

The Episcopal Church has policy passed by General Convention urging Congress to increase restrictions on the sale, ownership, and use of firearms and our Episcopal tradition calls on us to oppose violence at every level.

Call your Members of Congress today to share the gospel of peace and urge gun safety legislation!

Dial 202-224-3121 to reach the Capitol switchboard and ask to be connected to your members of Congress. You can look up your members of Congress here. When you are connected, tell the staff person:

“I am a constituent and an Episcopalian, and I am calling to urge [name of member of Congress here] to support policies that will change the culture of violence in our country. We need legislation that limits sales of military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines, requires effective background checks for all gun purchases, provides for better access to mental health services, and directs attention to gun trafficking.”