Office of Government Relations

UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

September 26, 2024
Office of Government Relations

September 26 is the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. On this day, we ask all our Episcopal Public Policy Network members to ask Congress to support H.Res77, Embracing the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This resolution calls for U.S. leadership to prevent nuclear war. Additionally, the resolution calls for:

  • Pursuing and concluding negotiations on a new, bilateral nuclear arms control and disarmament framework agreement with the Russian Federation before 2026;
  • Pursuing negotiations with China and other nuclear-armed states on an agreement or agreements for the verifiable, enforceable, and timebound elimination of global nuclear arsenals;
  • Denouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first;
  • Ending the President’s sole authority to launch a nuclear attack;
  • Asking the nuclear weapons of the United States off hair-trigger alert;
  • Canceling the plan to replace the nuclear arsenal of the United States with modernized, enhanced weapons.

Please take action by sending our action alert here:

Urge Your Representative to Support Nuclear Disarmament

The Episcopal Church partners with organizations such as Back from the Brink, a U.S.-based grassroots coalition working to rid the world of Nuclear Weapons. You can learn more about Back From the Brink here.

Follow Back from the Brink on social media sites.

• Facebook: Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War
Twitter: @BackFromBrink
Instagram: @BackFromBrink

Back from the Brink also has advocacy tools you can use in your outreach.

The Office of Government Relations