Statement on President Biden’s Executive Order to Restrict Asylum

The Episcopal Church supports the right to asylum, insisting that “our governments adhere to the internationally accepted principle known as non-refoulement, that stipulates that countries should not return migrants and refugees to unsafe conditions in their home countries or other countries.” We oppose any measures that dehumanize migrants or deny them access to asylum, a fundamental right under international law. Instead, we urge for compassionate and humane solutions that recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all people and empower migrants to continue adding their gifts and experiences to our country.

We oppose President Biden’s recent Executive Order, which would restrict asylum access and prevent legitimate asylum claims from being adjudicated. The Episcopal Church recognizes “the legitimate need to protect borders and address security threats to sovereign nations.” Yet this policy goes far beyond legitimate ways to manage the border and instead puts vulnerable people at risk.

The U.S. immigration system is in crisis, and there is an urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform. We call upon Congress to take action and develop legislation that will create a system that is more just and reflective of our values as a nation.

It is imperative that we address the root causes of migration, provide adequate resources for processing asylum claims efficiently, and create pathways to citizenship for those seeking a better life in the United States.

As followers of Christ, we are called to welcome the stranger and to advocate for justice and mercy. Let us stand together in solidarity with our migrant neighbors and strive towards a more compassionate immigration policy.