Statement commending TPS designation for Venezuelans in U.S.

The Episcopal Church commends the Biden administration’s decision to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Venezuelans living in the United States. The status, which allows all individuals from a TPS-designated country to legally remain in the United States for renewable 18-month terms, will provide short-term relief for thousands of Venezuelans unable to return home due to political repression and economic deprivation. The Episcopal Church will continue to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, and will stand alongside our Episcopal siblings in the Diocese of Venezuela.

“As Christians we support and welcome the Biden administration’s policy to grant TPS for the protection of the Venezuelans who find themselves on U.S. soil. In accordance with basic human rights, we believe that every person who finds themselves in a foreign country has the right to be protected and to have their physical safety guaranteed.

-Anglican Episcopal Church, Diocese of Venezuela

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Announcement

Executive Action for the Designation

The Episcopal Church joins 219 organizations requesting Trump Administration designate Venezuela for TPS (March 2019)

General Convention Resolutions

2018-A215: Express Solidarity with the Diocese of Venezuela

2018-C033: Denounce Racism Against Immigrants and Advocate for Immigration Reform