For a Just Food System

Every year on October 16, people all around the world commemorate World Food Day. The theme for this year’s commemoration is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Climate change has a big impact on food security. To name a few: extreme weather events can disrupt food production, the rise of sea levels affects livelihoods in coastal areas and river deltas, and the melting of glaciers has an impact on the quantity and reliability of water. These changes could impact crop yields and food prices, which in turn will increase the number of people suffering from hunger. Unfortunately, small holder farmers and the poorest among us are impacted the most by this change in our climate. 

The Gospel is rich with lessons that help us understand that food is deeply interwoven through our faith and social life. As we think about the food we eat, where it comes from and who grows it, take some time this Sunday to reflect and share with family and friends the methods which help you make better and informed food choices. Go here to see more recommendations by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 

As Episcopalians, not only do we have a moral responsibility to care for the well-being of our neighbors, we also must ensure that the ecosystem in which we live is life-giving and sustainable for future generations. Let us offer thanks and reflect on the many gifts we are given. Let us consider more ways we can strengthen our food system for the benefit of all.