Office of Government Relations

End Gun Violence

July 2, 2024
Office of Government Relations

We stand together in hope. We stand together in faith. We stand together in love. We stand individually as ambassadors of hope, vessels of faith, and sentinels of love. We stand as a community committed to making no peace with gun violence. We pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to inflame and enkindle our lives, our churches, our communities, our cities, and our nation with a passion for lasting peace; through Jesus Christ the Author of Peace. Amen.”

– The Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

During the 81st General Convention in Louisville last week, Bishops United Against Gun Violence organized a witness against gun violence. Bishops, church leaders, activists, youth, and partners drew attention to the epidemic of gun violence in our nation and urged action. We ask you to heed their call to achieve a world without senseless violence. General Convention also passed several gun violence-related resolutions that we will highlight in the months to come.

Photo: Jon Cherry

Learn more about Bishops United Against Gun Violence.

Reach out to your member of Congress on these gun reform priorities:

81st General Convention Resolutions on Gun Reform

The Office of Government Relations