Celebrate Earth Day April 22

Reconciliation is God's mission-reconciling the world to God in Christ is the way Episcopalians put it. Reconciliation means restoring God's intention for the world. It's needed in the relationships between human beings and their creator, between and among human beings, and-in ways of which we are becoming increasingly aware-between human beings and the rest of creation."
-Katharine Jefferts Schori, Gospel in the Global Village: Seeking God's Dream of Shalom, p. 163.

Earth Day provides the world with an opportunity to focus on our planet as a unique, bountiful gift. It helps us remember that we must continue to protect our air, water, and natural resources so that generations to come may enjoy this beautiful gift of Earth.

On April 22, people from across the world will reflect on, celebrate, and advocate for healthy, sustainable environment here on Earth.

Each year The Episcopal Church joins the Eco-Justice Working Group of the National Council of Churches to observe Earth Day by providing a resource for congregations to use in their worship and observances for Earth Day. The emphasis for 2012 is onEnergy and Ethics, reflecting on how people of faith can make good choices about how and where we get and use our energy.

From production to transmission, the decisions we make about energy have consequences, sometimes devastating, on God's Creation and on the health and well-being of our neighbors.

To aid in your observance of Earth Day, we are pleased to provide you with theNational Council of Church's Earth Day Resource which can be used at the diocesan, parish, or family level including:

  • Basics on the use and extraction of energy resources, sermon starter, adult study, and youth education ideas
  • Sample liturgy/call to worship Bulletin Insert
  • Ideas for personal, congregational, and community action

Online Event April 21: The Intersection of Poverty and the Environment
The Episcopal Church on April 21, 2012 at 10 am Mountain (9 am Pacific, 11 Central, noon Eastern) is hosting a webcast to include a keynote by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and two panels moderated by Kim Lawton of PBS's Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly. The webast is free, and you can find more information about the eventhere.

Earth Day 2012
Earth Day observances started in 1970 by then-Senator Gaylord Nelson. Since then, each year, people all over the world have taken time to celebrate the Earth and its abundance and unsurpassed beauty and life-giving potential.

"April 22 was selected because of its location in the year. The day was originally meant to be an educational day, so Senator Nelson wanted to ensure that college students were going to be in session during this day. He felt that more people would be reached if they were in class during this time." (Source:http://www.earthday.org/2012).


  • National Council of Churches Earth Day Resources.
  • Earth Day Observance