Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Find a Young Adult or Campus Ministry

If you are a young adult (or know a young adult) who is looking for community and relationship as you explore your faith and way in life, we want to help you find a connection to a ministry, chaplaincy, local clergy person, leader, or organizer. We know that finding a community can be a daunting and overwhelming task. By filling in this form, we will do our best to connect you to a congregation, young adult ministry, campus ministry, or other kinds of ministry near you.

Search the map below and/or fill out this ministry referral form to get connected!

Click to add your ministry to the map!

  • Click the link above to go to The Episcopal Asset Map.
  • Once on the asset map, at the bottom of the map, click, “Suggest a place for this map” and you can add your ministry information.
  • If you need to make changes, click your ministry location on the map, click “More Details” on the right and fill out the survey to submit changes.

The Rev. Shannon Kelly

Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries and Camino Project Grant

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