Poems by Marco Saavedra, Diocese of Southern Ohio
Marco is a graduate of Kenyon College and participant in the Episcopal Leadership Institute for…
Pilgrims, Refugees and Nomads: Ashley Pagan, Diocese of Arizona
2012 is still young, but the year has already proven to be a spiritually enriching…
Face to Face with History: Andrea Bardelmeier, Diocese of Southern Ohio
There have been a few moments in my 29 years that I have felt that…
Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta + Some: Willie Goforth, Diocese of Olympia
1. I am thinking of two numbers. (They are between 1 and 1000.) Guess what…
A Reflection on Place for Why Serve 2012
In order to know where you’re going you gotta know where you’re from, right? I’ve…
Why Serve Conference 2012: Christopher Palma
This conference has made me understand so much more about being Episcopalian and learning the…
Hazel Johnson at Why Serve 2012
Singing I Need Thee Every Hour at the Culture Night liturgical celebration Filed under: Uncategorized
Where are the Young Adults?
Here they are: Group photo at the Saturday evening Eucharist and blessing of seniors…
Culture Night at Why Serve 2012
We closed our time together at VTS with a final liturgical celebration of our cultures….
Building Your Résumé
College is fantastic, right? Well, maybe not for all. I suppose it can be a…
Why Serve 2012
A Vocational Discernment Conference for Young Adults of Color (Ages 18-30) June 6-10 just outside…
Anglican Women's Empowerment seeks young adult board members
Anglican Women’s Empowerment, AWE, is calling for 2 or 3 young adults to serve 1…
Apply to be on a CCAB!
The Episcopal Church needs YOUR voice! Nominate yourself or someone else to serve on a…
Chaplains Conference 2012
Campus Ministers from across the Episcopal Church gathered June 24-25 at Berkeley Divinity School at…
World Student Christian Federation EcoJustice Symposium
Check out this ecumenical event hosted by the World Student Christian Federation’s North American Chapter,…