Social Justice & Advocacy Engagement

The Episcopal Church and the Poor People’s Campaign

Episcopalians are invited to participate in the June 29, 2024 Poor People’s Campaign Assembly and Moral March. Learn more about this historical march and how to participate virtually or in person in Washington DC!

The Episcopal Church continues to partner with the Poor People’s Campaign in advocating for truth-telling and social change within the systems of racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy. Through this important partnership with the Poor People’s Campaign, the Episcopal Church fully embodies the gospel of the Jesus Movement. For more information about how to take action and find your local state campaign, see here.

Campaign Resources

Jesus Movement and the Poor People’s Campaign Facebook Group: Connect with Episcopalians engaged in the Poor People’s Campaign, and share your witness, prayers, and organizing updates.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Speech: Watch this short video of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry speaking at a Poor People’s Campaign event in 2018 in Aberdeen, Washington.

Executive Council 2018 resolutionThis resolution documents the Executive Council’s acknowledgement and partnership with the Poor People’s Campaign. The guidance and direction of the Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church led our Church into practical actions in matters of poverty, racism, sexism, and economic justice. 

A Poor People’s Pandemic Report: This April 2022digital report and storymap explores the intersections of poverty, race and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Souls of Poor Folk Audit: There are 140 million people who are poor and struggling in America. Explore the ways justice proposes to make moral policy also economically sound policy.

The Poor People’s Jubilee Platform: This platform identifies legislative and policy priorities to address injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy that has evolved over the past 5 years. 

Sign up to participate in your local State Committee, or get more information on how to start a new one

Receive updates about The Episcopal Church’s partnership with the Poor People’s Campaign 

The Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg

Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation

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