2021 Inventory of Racial Justice and Truth-Telling Ministries
Truth-Telling: Telling the Truth about Our Churches and Race, including “Truth and Reconciliation” Processes
1a. Dioceses and their congregations engaged in the following Truth-telling ministries
- The Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership (produced by Mission Institute, published January 2021) or other survey of experiences of diocesan leadership around race and racism
- A demographic study of congregations, including racial and ethnic make-up
- A historic study of diocesan and/or congregational participation in systemic oppression of Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander peoples and other people of color
- A demographic study of geographic communities within the diocese, including racial and ethnic make-up
1b. Dioceses and their congregations engaged in the following Truth-telling ministries
- To increase proportion of people of color among clergy
- To increase proportion of people of color among staff
- To increase proportion of people of color in membership
- To address racial disparities in treatment of leaders across the diocese, congregation or institution
2. Dioceses and their congregations engaged in the following Truth and Reconciliation (or Truth, Reckoning and Healing, or Reparations) processes
- Investigating the organization’s historic role in racial injustice
- Linking historic injustice in their organization with ongoing patterns of racial injustice
- Committing to specific action to repent, heal and repair past and present injustices with which their organizations and members have been and/or are complicit (also known as “reparations”)
- Not yet engaged
3. Dioceses designated a staff person and/or volunteer as the point person(s) for diocesan Racial Reconciliation and Justice Ministries
4. Dioceses organized a commission, working group or other regular meetings to work on a Truth and Reconciliation (or Truth, Reckoning and Healing, or Reparations) process
5. Not displayed
6a. Dioceses have not begun to pursue a Truth and Reconciliation (or Truth, Reckoning and Healing, or Reparations) process, but leaders have expressed interest in starting such work
6b. Dioceses and their congregations have organized Truth and Reconciliation processes and hosted events and webinars or produced documents, testimonials, reports or other content (details available in Racial Justice and Truth-telling Ministries Inventory PDF)