Posts from the Hill
EPPN Census Series: Businesses & Infrastructure
TODAY is April 1st, Census Day! This is a key reference point for the census. When you respond to…
OGR COVID-19 Newsletter
The Office of Government Relations appreciates your work and advocacy as members of the Episcopal Public Policy Network. While…
EPPN Census Series: Social Safety Net Programs
The 2020 Census is now live! And it has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online,…
Immigrants and COVID-19
By: Rushad Thomas The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (commonly known as coronavirus) presents the United States with several systemic challenges. Not only does it…
EPPN Census Series: Education (+COVID-19 Message)
On COVID-19 The U.S. Census Bureau continues to carefully monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19. The most important message at…
International Response on COVID-19
By: Patricia Kisare, International Policy Advisor As COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread here at home and around the world, we…
Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations releases Public Health and Policy Advocacy Document related to the coronavirus
In response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States and around the world, The Episcopal Church’s…
OGR Statement and Recommendations on COVID-19
Christians have an obligation to care for people who are poor, sick, in prison, or strangers (Matthew 25: 34…
EPPN Census Series: Healthcare
Take the 2020 Census Online Now! Healthcare is one of the primary industries that rely on U.S. census data,…
EPPN Census Series: Why We Count Take the 2020 Census Online Now! The Episcopal Church urges all Episcopalians to take part in the 2020 United…
The Episcopal Church invites U.S. Episcopalians to help shape their future through civic engagement: The 2020 Census and election In the United States, 2020 is a year for federal as well as state and local elections and,…
Accurate Count: Learn how to support the 2020 Census
EMM webinar offered Thursday, February 27 Join Episcopal Migration Ministries on Thursday, February 27, 4:00 – 5:00 pm EST…
The Office of Government Relations