New Episcopal Communities

Sharing Our Stories

The effort to start New Episcopal Communities is not new! This work has been going on for generations and we are grateful for their work and all that they have taught us. What is new is The Genesis Network of mission developers, which gathers the people starting new ministries together for training, networking, encouragement and story sharing.

The stories told by New Episcopal Communities are full of wide-reaching themes like risk taking, uncertainty, unexpected abundance, and good neighboring. We believe these stories have the power to inspire the Church as a whole! Here are a few ways our team is working to bring them to you:

Weekly Reflections

What’s going on on the ground, in the mission field, and how is it connected to the broader future the Holy Spirit has in store for us? Our office staff – Tom Brackett, Steve Matthews, Katie Nakamura Rengers and Sarah Alphin – write a weekly reflection on what we’re hearing in our conversations with the wider Episcopal Church, and with friends in other denominations. Check it out here!

The Genesis Podcast

Tune in to The Genesis Podcast for stories from the front lines of church planting! We t about it all, from amazing successes to near catastrophes, to what it means to be engaged in God’s mission through creating and leading new communities.

Season 1: Hosted by the Rev. Mike Michie
Season 2: Hosted by the Rev. Katie Nakamura Rengers

Blue Book Report

The recent commitment to help fund new ministries starts from General Convention has been an important part of our work. One of the best places to look for a thorough report on the work of new ministry development is the Blue Book report from the Task Force for Church Planting submitted for the 78th General Convention.