Faith After Deconstruction: A Church for Seekers
New East Bay Church, Diocese of California “We are a brand new church/community in the…
From Burden to Blessing: St. Martin’s $3 Million Debt Relief Effort
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Mason, Diocese of West Texas “In the past few months…
Calling the Circle from the Four Winds
Four Winds, Diocese of Arizona “Four Winds has become a well-known community within the Tucson…
An Easy and Holy House Church
Holy Hosts Community, Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska “Noelle and I spent a year talking to…
Walking Together in Faith
Holy Companion, Diocese of Colorado “Holy Companion is a community that dares to companion one…
Discover a Christ-centered, multigenerational community in Nebraska
The Benedictine Way, Diocese of Nebraska “The Benedictine Way is a multigenerational community seeking to…
Celebrating across Language and Community
Karen Church at Messiah, Diocese of Minnesota “When we gather, Jesus makes our hearts joyful,…
Executive Council approves 38 grants for new Episcopal communities
Grant applications due Aug. 1 for new Episcopal communities
Grant applications open for new Episcopal communities
Contemplative Practices for Innovators
By: Ann Steigerwald Ann Steigerwald is a consultant and spiritual director based in Portland, Oregon. She…
New Words, New Visions
By Susan Garsoe A year ago this past September, our bishop asked four parishes in…