Global Partnerships

Partnering with God’s world to share the love of Jesus

Epiphany 2022: Global Partnerships

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you… Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:1, 3, NRSV)

Epiphany is the time of the church year when we celebrate the revealing of Christ to the world. During this season, we celebrate the arrival of the One who is the light of the world: a light that brings life, a light that brings hope. This light shines its brightest when we are in community —with God and with one another. 

This year, we celebrate this season and the worldwide community to which we as Episcopalians belong—the Anglican Communion. 2021 is an especially good time to celebrate our connections to the Communion, as we celebrate 100 years of the Good Friday Offering, 20 years of the Young Adult Service Corps, General Convention, and the Lambeth Conference. We hope you will join us in celebrating and rejoicing with our siblings in Christ around the world.

The Office of Global Partnerships of The Episcopal Church invites individuals, small groups, congregations, and dioceses to use this video series throughout the season of Epiphany to draw closer to each other and our Lord. Our weekly videos include a “lectio divina”-style study on the Gospel passage for each Sunday, read by Episcopalians and Anglican Communion partners from around the world. You will hear the passage read at least twice and a short reflection offered by the partners. Then, you will be invited to do your own reflection individually or as a group.

“Levántate, brilla, porque tu luz ha llegado y la gloria de Dios se ha levantado sobre ti… Y las naciones vendrán a tu luz, y los reyes al resplandor de tu nacimiento.” (Isaías 60:1, 3)

La estación de la Epifanía es cuando celebramos la revelación de Cristo al mundo. Celebramos la llegada de Aquel que es la luz del mundo: una luz que da vida, una luz que trae esperanza. Esta luz brilla más intensamente cuando estamos en comunidad, con Dios y entre nosotros.

La Oficina de Asociaciones Globales de la Iglesia Episcopal invita a personas, grupos pequeños, congregaciones y diócesis a utilizar nuestra serie de videos semanales durante la estación de la Epifanía para acercarnos unos a otros y a nuestro Señor. Utilizando una adaptación de la lectio divina con el pasaje del evangelio para cada domingo, conocerá y oirá a episcopales y socios anglicanos de todo el mundo mientras leen y reflexionan sobre la revelación de Jesús a nosotros. Vea la conversación y sígala usted mismo o en un grupo pequeño.

Use our Sermons That Work bulletin inserts each week of Epiphany 

Learn more about the Office of Global Partnerships 

Find additional Epiphany resources 

Read the Anglican Communion’s resource on lectio divina

Read Abp. Julio Murray’s sermon for World Mission Sunday

The Rev. David Copley

Director, Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel