Global Partnerships

Partnering with God’s world to share the love of Jesus

What is The Office of Global Partnerships?

The Office of Global Partnerships serves to “build bridges beyond ourselves”. We connect The Episcopal Church with other Churches and Dioceses in the Anglican Communion around the world, as well as global organizations such as the United Nations and the National Council of Churches. We also help Episcopal Dioceses and congregations connect with partners all over the world through mediation and various mission programs where we send out members internationally such as the Young Adult Service Corps – YASC (age 21-35) and the Episcopal Volunteers in Mission – EVIM (age 35 and up). We create tools to help our brothers and sisters work together on global issues following the goals set by our church leaders, focusing on EvangelismReconciliation, and Care of Creation.

How can we help?

We are here to serve. Whether you are an Episcopalian who wants to get involved in global mission through one of our mission programs such as YASC and EVIM, or a parish or Diocese representative who needs more information or an introduction to a global partner, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay in touch

If you’re interested in our work, please sign up below to receive our newsletter. We hold monthly online meetings where we discuss current events and mission programs involving Global Partnerships. We also send out periodical newsletters keeping you up to date with events and opportunities.

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The Rev. David Copley

Director, Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel