How Do We Address Peacemaking in Youth Programming?
Last week, I had the privilege of participating in Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: An Episcopal…
Missionaries Sent by Christ
Today’s d365 devotional, written by Neil Myer, focuses on the transformation that happens during mission experiences.Commissioning services…
Commissioning Youth to Enter the Mission Field
In just a month or two, many youth programs will be embarking on mission experiences…
The 5 Core Values of an Episcopal Mission Experience or Pilgrimage
Today’s guest blogger is Wendy Johnson. Wendy serves as the social media consultant for the…
A Worldwide Church in Mission
Easter Blessings!I hope that all of you enjoyed a meaningful Holy Week and a joyful…
Your Input Needed on Forma Survey
The Offices for Lifelong Formation, Youth Ministry, and Young Adult & Campus Ministry are proud…
Bring Back Our Girls
I give thanks for my friend and colleague, Roger Hutchison, from the Diocese of Upper…
3 Days of Urban Mission: Engaging mission in the heart of the city
The Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE14) is one month away and our Mission Planning Team…
Here's one Youth Ministry book you need to add to your Summer Reading List
As we move into June, my hope is that you have added the new book…
Join Me in Praying and Working for Justice for Children
So many of us continue to be haunted by the violence involving children that has been dominating…
Where are you in Mission this summer?
As summer approaches, Episcopal youth groups and faith communities will surely be spreading out across…
Available Grant Funding To Support New and Creative Ministry
Funding is currently available through three grant programs offered through The Episcopal Church. Each is listed…
New Resources for a New Program Year
Welcome to guest blogger, Sharon Ely Pearson. Sharon is an editor and the Christian Formation…
The Confirmation Project
In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected,…
Discerning Christian Vocation with Youth Across Europe
Recently I had the pleasure of joining the youth ministers and young people of the…
New Episcopal Church resources focus on older adults, faith formation
Two new Lifelong Christian Formation resources focusing on older adults and faith formation in the…
How do our children dream?
By now you’ve heard the story about Malala Yousafzai, the teenaged girl who was shot…
Do adults dare to dream in courageous ways?
By now you’ve heard the story about Malala Yousafzai, the teenaged girl who was shot…
Resources for Ministry After a Disaster
My colleague, Bronwyn Skov, posted on her blog today a collection of resources useful as…
Episcopal Church offers Advent sermons for children
To engage children in a more active role during worship this Advent, the Episcopal Church…
Training opportunity: 21st Century Faith Formation
The Vision and Practice of 21st Century Faith Formation is a three-day interactive educational program for clergy,…
Stewardship Resources
Parish Publishing offers quite a few resources to support your faith community’s stewardship efforts: Stewardship…
Your Action Needed: Join a Briefing Call on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
In celebration of Universal Children’s Day, UNICEF is holding a public “briefing call” on the UN Convention…
Supporting the Children of an Incarcerated Parent
We tend not to think much about the incarcerated. Similarly, how often do we think…