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Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians everywhere to mark the season after Pentecost with 30 days of prayer leading up to and encompassing the 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
“A Season of Prayer for Revival”—from June 12 through July 11—features daily prayers drawn from the Book of Common Prayer. Individuals can sign up online to receive the prayers and inspirational messages via email. The prayers will also be posted daily on social media accounts for The Episcopal Church and Forward Movement.
Downloadable bulletin inserts are available for congregational use. All materials are in Spanish and English.
“As we move toward and adapt to a shorter, smaller General Convention, I invite every Episcopalian—whether you’re in Baltimore or Alaska or Honduras, whether you’re a deputy, a bishop, or a new member sitting in the pews—I invite all of us to pause each day just for a moment to pray for the expansive, reviving power of the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and minds,” Curry said. “We are people of common prayer; may we embrace this season as an opportunity for us all to become a church that truly lives, looks, and loves like Jesus.”
The 80th General Convention is scheduled for July 8-11.
Bulletin Inserts
Social Media Graphics
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This page is available in: Español