Love God, Love God's World

Creation Care Curriculum

“Love God, Love God’s World” Creation Care Curriculum

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.

Sessions have a similar structure to the popular Sacred Ground curriculum and include compelling films and readings, faith-based reflections, and discussion questions—each written by different contributors who draw from their own contexts and experiences. Participants will also discover ways to learn, pray, advocate, and conserve. 

We hope everyone who participates in the curriculum becomes:

  • Comfortable speaking about their faith, care of creation, and climate change
  • Personally transformed and invited into different levels of personal and collective engagement on creation care and eco-justice
  • Confident about where to find creation care resources and information

Session titles and curriculum authors bios

Sample session

Setting up a group in your church/group

Are you interested in organizing a small group or “circle” to participate in Love God, Love God’s World? You may be a parishioner, priest, deacon, or diocesan staff person. You do not need to be an expert on climate change or environmental justice or have any particular small-group leadership experience.

Before You Begin

If this is your first small-group experience, or your first time as a small-group leader, we recommend reviewing the resources located here.  Start with the Building an Intentional Small Group Ministry guide, which informs and expands on the facilitator guide with helpful topics such as Small Group Ministry Roles, How to Form Groups, Setting a Timeline, Choosing Location, and Creating Group Norms.

Creating Your Small Groups/Circles

If you have a creation care/environmental justice ministry, or a related group (like a community garden ministry), Love God, Love God’s World can build on your existing work and strengthen and inform group members in their ongoing leadership. If you are hoping to create a creation care/environmental justice ministry, this dialogue series can spark conversation and build the desire and commitment within your congregation or diocese. If you offer Christian formation programs at your church, Love God, Love God’s World can be your next offering. We recommend that a small group/circle be a minimum of 6 people and no more than 12 people. 

This curriculum can also be an opportunity to build relationships beyond your congregation or institution. Is there a neighboring Episcopal church or other faith community in your town that you could invite into partnership with you as you form your circle? What about an environmental community group? This is an opportunity to build community and learn together.

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Phoebe Chatfield

Associate for Creation Care and Justice

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