Creation Care

Liberating Advocacy

For God’s sake, standing alongside marginalized, vulnerable peoples, we will advocate and act to repair Creation and seek the liberation and flourishing of all people.

The Network for Creation Care and Environmental Racism on the Episcopal Asset Map captures congregations and institutions that promote environmental justice. Click on “More Details” to learn more about each ministry. Join the network here.

Episcopal Public Policy Network

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Creation Care Glossary

Environmental Racism

1. Environmental injustice that occurs in practice and in policy within a racialized context. 2. Any policy, practice, or directive that differentially affects or disadvantages (whether intended or unintended) individuals, groups, or communities based on race or color.

Advocacy Resources

Episcopal Church Eco‐Justice Resolutions: A summary of General Convention actions through 2017.

Blessed Tomorrow: A coalition of diverse American faith leaders committed to walking more gently on the earth and inspiring others to lead on climate solutions, sponsored by ecoAmerica. 

Send us Your Stories!

We want to hear from you about how your church or community is working on Creation Care! Please send us your stories, photos, articles, or events for our e-newsletter. 

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Phoebe Chatfield

Associate for Creation Care and Justice

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