Church Planting and Redevelopment

Check out “Tiny Stories” from New Episcopal Communities

We recently asked New Episcopal Community Grant recipients for a “Tiny Story” from their community. In this season of giving thanks, we will be sharing a few of these stories each month.

As a ministry of the Office of Church Planting and Redevelopment, New Episcopal Communities welcomes and supports those with an entrepreneurial spirit and a heart for mission development outside the realm of existing churches. A new Episcopal community might be a fresh church plant, a unique worshipping body, or a missional community focused on service, justice, and mercy. These communities are grounded in faith, guided by love, and connected to an Episcopal diocese. They seek innovative ways to invite and unite individuals who seek spiritual or missional community. 

New Episcopal Communities offers grant funding, leadership discernment, training, and coaching resources for those exploring the idea of starting a new venture.  

In a century of uncertainty, Re-Vision and Renew invites parishes of all sizes to courageously explore new ways to “be” church in their community. What might it look like to know and learn from your neighbors? What invigorating enterprises might arise? Where might your church be in five years if it practices fresh ways of reimagining, reaching out, and relating to your community?  

Re-Vision and Renew walks alongside churches on this journey of unexpected blessings, offering online coaching and support to small cohorts who also join each other in practicing and embracing brave change. 

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