Michael Curry

The 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church

Support for the Good Friday Offering

February 10, 2017
Michael Curry

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

You see a letter like this every year from your presiding bishop with a request to support the Good Friday Offering. Why? Because we walk the walk of Christ when we walk in solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East, who keep the faith in the very land Jesus called home. We walk the walk of Christ when we advocate for the voices of those who work fearlessly for peace in the midst of unremitting violence. We walk the walk of Christ when we support ministries of healing, education, pastoral care, and interfaith cooperation rooted in a deep desire for a future full of reconciliation and hope.

The Good Friday Offering is our opportunity to add some of the substance of our lives to the substance of our prayers. You have heard me talk about the Jesus Movement so much in these past months. Jesus of Nazareth is not about the talk of faith. He is not about the walk of faith. He is about both the talk and the walk. The Jesus Movement is about the journey we share with a world desperate to see examples of the love of God lived out in each one of us to empower compassion and mercy for all people in all places.

The Jesus Movement is manifested through opportunities like the Good Friday Offering to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers throughout the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

I ask you to join me in the journey of faith as part of the Jesus Movement in supporting the Good Friday Offering again this year.

May God bless you and the love we share in our Lord and Savior.



The Most Rev. Michael Curry

Presiding Bishop and Primate        

The Episcopal Church