Faith Formation

Who is Missing From Your Pews?

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

From time to time I have the honor of welcoming guest bloggers. Today I welcome Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, who is tackling the important yet under-considered topic of full inclusion.

Opening the Door wider

Since April of last year, a group of dedicated individuals have given up one full Saturday and Sunday a month to participate in the 2012-13 Partner’s in Policymaking program offered through the Oklahoma Development Disability Council.

As we came together as parents, self-advocates, and professionals, we all learned and shared from the incredibly diverse speakers offered by this program and the intense works assigned for further understanding.

As Director of Christian Formation, I have always had a special place in my heart for children but realized that our denomination, and in particular, my own congregation, had not looked at ‘Opening the Door Wider.’ My gift to Partners, my congregation, denomination, and other places of worship is a new resource titled Opening the Door Wider.

It touches on three groups of individuals missing from many places of worship: Aging, Those with Temporary Disabilities, and those who are Disabled. It gives insight to external reasons why these groups are not participating and then looks at internal, or things we are doing that are not warm and welcoming.

During my time in Partners, we were asked to work with an organization non-disability related. I chose The Oklahoma Conference of Churches. This brochure will be my graduating gift to them also.