Training opportunity: 21st Century Faith Formation

The Vision and Practice of 21st Century Faith Formation is a three-day interactive educational program for clergy, faith formation leaders, and staff in all Christian congregations. At these events you will:

  • Understand the new context of faith formation and the diverse religious and spiritual needs of all generations
  • Understand the emerging vision of 21st century learning and faith formation in a connected, networked, digital world
  • Discover a variety of 21st century approaches and resources for faith formation in the congregation, at home, and online
  • Learn how to design faith formation that addresses the religious and spiritual needs of all ages and generations, and uses the new digital media and web technologies
  • Develop the skills for becoming a learning architect and faith formation curator

Under the leadership of John Roberto (LifelongFaith Associates & Vibrant Faith Ministries), events are scheduled for Dallas, Denver, Seattle, San Diego and San Jose.

Space is limited to check it out soon if you want to participate.