The Tragic Events at Sandy Hook

Arise, cry out in the night,?
as the watches of the night begin;?
pour out your heart like water?
in the presence of the Lord.?
Lift up your hands to him?
for the lives of your children
 Lamentations 2.19

It is impossible to comprehend the tragedy that took place nearly 24 hours ago in Connecticut. Watching the television coverage, reading Internet news sources, and watching President Obama’s emotional response, I have alternated between feelings of overwhelming sadness and profound helplessness.

Each one of us is going to respond to this crisis in our own way.

We can, however, commit to holding each other in prayer and reminding each other than it is in community we will find strength, hope, resilience, and response.

I’ve compiled a list of a few resources I find particularly useful in the wake of such devastation. I have posted them before and it is with nothing but regret and sorrow that we find ourselves in a situation where it is necessary to post them again:

Please post any other resources you can offer in the comments below.

Finally, a prayer offered by Bishop Lane, Diocese of Maine:

Almighty God, giver of light and life, in whose hands are both the living and the dead: We offer to you our sorrow and confusion in the face of the cruel deaths of children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As you were present in the midst of the gunfire and chaos, so we trust you are present now with those who have died. Receive them into the arms of your mercy and cover them with your love. In your boundless compassion, console all who mourn, especially parents and family members, and give to us who carry on such a lively sense of your righteous will that we will not rest until our country is safe for your children. All this we pray in sighs too deep for words and in the name of the lover and protector of our souls, Jesus Christ. Amen.

More prayers can be found on Episcopal Cafe. Please continue to pray that in the midst of this despair and death that new life will shine through.