Submit Photos of Original Children's Art for State of Racism Live Forum

Hopefully, by now you have heard about the landmark November 15 forum, Fifty Years Later: The State of Racism in America, live streamed from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, Mississippi, and sponsored by the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Mississippi.

The Presiding Bishop yesterday announced the presenters, including:

  • The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina
  • Ms. Myrlie Evers-Williams, journalist and widow of slain civil-rights leader Medgar Evers
  • The Hon. William F. Winter, former governor of Mississippi and founder of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation
  • The Hon. Byron Rushing, Massachusetts state representative, civil-rights leader, and vice president of The Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies
  • Dr. Randy Testa, author, Vice President of Education at Walden Media, LLC
  • Dr. Erma J. Vizenor, chairwoman of White Earth Band of Ojibwe, educator, and community organizer
  • Tim Wise, educator and author of Colorblind (City Lights, 2010), White Like Me (Soft Skull Press, 2008), and Affirmative Action (Routeledge, 2005)

In order to ensure participation of even our youngest Episcopalians in this webcast, please work with your young people either this Sunday, Civil Rights Sunday, or in a future lesson on racism to create original art in response their learning about racism and inequality.

Send photos of the artwork to me for inclusion in the November 15 event. My email is

Thank you for considering this request to bring together the whole of the church on this important day.