Share your Thanksgiving Day generational stories

Heavenly Father, Spirit of Life, thank you for granting us the opportunity to grow our comfort zones larger, and speaking to our hearts to bond with the universal world.

You have granted us the ability to understand and support the lives of the unfortunate, and by your grace have softened our hearts and minds to have sympathy and empathy. By the act of faith you have supplied your children with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and warm socks, because as you say, “feed my sheep.” Your humble love brings us hope, joy, and eternal connections. As we have aided the homeless community, they have embraced us with happiness and patience, and taught us about the unjust world.

In a way, we have provided each other with comfort by the universal language of love. Help us to understand that the best way to overcome fear is to understand and experience the unknown and embrace it as a deeply spiritual opportunity to learn because you are the way, and the life. This trip has been eye opening, and motivational, and has taught us to reach out to the world. We pray in your Heavenly name, Jesus Christ, Amen.”

This prayer was written by youth who attended our overnight CityReach program. On Sunday, this prayer was prayed in the churches of the CityReach participants: Dennis Union Church; St. John’s Episcopal, Westwood; Union Congregational, Groton; First Unitarian Society, Newton; All Saints’ Episcopal, Peterborough, NH as well as at common cathedral.

This prayer and all that went into its creation is a wonderful example of how one generation can inspire other generations. As we gather for Thanksgiving we have another wonderful opportunity for generations to connect.

This year around the Thanksgiving table – no matter what that family configuration may look like be it like the “Modern Family”, Obama Family or any one of the many profiles of the Main Street family, or the homeless family who are served at soup kitchens – take this year as on opportunity to share your stories.

Younger generations, use your technology skills to create videos of the stories of the elders, creating keepsakes for generations to come. Elders, interview the younger generation about their lives. Find out what it means to be a young person in 2012.

The wonder of story is one of the most precious gifts we can be thankful for.

Please share with us your most powerful Thanksgiving Day generational stories.