Faith Formation

Resources from Church Publishing

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

Church Publishing’s latest newsletter, Living IN-formation, included the following useful tools and information:

Resource of the Month:

Creative Ideas for Children’s Worship: Year C by Sarah Lenton now completes the set of three books that correspond to all years of the Revised Common Lectionary. This series offers a session for every Sunday (plus Feast Days) for engaging children in creative ways with the Sunday Gospels. Cross-referenced with scripture readings, these ideas are perfect for children’s chapel, the classroom, or intergenerational gatherings. Each week includes prayers, the gospel reading of the day, scripts for presentations, games, activities, and downloadable (on CD) cartoons and illustrations to use.

New formational resources coming from Church Publishing Inc. (CPI) this year:

  • Embracing Spiritual Awakening with Diana Butler Bass (October),
  • The Episcopal Christian Educator’s Handbook (November)
  • Yearning: Authentic Transformation, Young Adults and the Church (November)
  • The Painting Table (January)
  • When the Bishop Comes (February)
  • New Clothes: Putting On Christ and Finding Ourselves (March)
  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Theologies of Confirmation for the 21st Century (May)

Upcoming Conferences:

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