Faith Formation

Resources from Candle Press

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

As you kick-off the program year, Candle Press publishes some fun take-home resources. They include:

Me Too! invites the child (aged 4 to 7) who has been receiving Eucharist since infancy — or is now being prepared to receive — to notice what is going on at Holy Communion and see how the child also belongs at the table. As the child looks at what we do: we come, listen, do, and then go,the child discovers” “so that’s why we do that!”

To Go is for families with young children to use at home. Sent from you – either by e-mail or print-out – each set contains four, one-page units. You can send all the pages at once, or over a period of time that works for you and for them. Here (and pictured at left) is an actual page — from Easter – the Season — to give you an idea of what the pages look like.

Do you use these or other take-home resources? Or do you make your own?

Share them in the comments on or the Lifelong Formation Facebook page.