Faith Formation

Resources for Advent

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

The season of Advent begins November 30. Advent is a time when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. It is meant to be a time of reflection and a time set aside to renew our connection to Christ.

There are many, many resources out there, and there is no way we could cover all of them. We have chosen a few for you to consider based on three categories:

  1. Books, Pamphlets, and Calendars,
  2. Lesson Plans and Skits, and
  3. Online Resources.

Books, Pamphlets, and Calendars

Candle Press has Advent Calendars, Table Cards, and Story books that are affordable and they can be ordered in bulk so that you can share them with people in your congregation and community.


Forward Movement has devotional materials in both English and Spanish for Advent and Christmas – everything from Advent Calendars, Advent Wreath preparation, and Devotional Booklets.

Dog in a Manger is a new book that pairs humor and truth about the season of Advent.

Let Every Heart Prepare is a book of mediations based on Hymns.

From Holidays to Holy Days: A Benedictine Walk Through Advent is a wonderful book that takes looks at the trappings of the holiday season through Christian contemplation.

Advent Stations of the Crèche is a book intended to help children understand the story of the nativity as it walks through the Old Testament prophets, to the birth of a new kind, and looks at how this story affects our lives today.

Lesson Plans, Curricula, and Skits for Advent

Lesson Plans that Work has lesson plans for younger children, older children, and adults for each Sunday of Advent based on the Sunday scriptures.

Church Publishing has a wealth of downloadable Skits, Devotions, and Advent Calendars for Advent and Christmas.

Episcopal Relief and Development has created an Advent Toolkit that will help inspire your community to give to support those in need through Gifts for Life.

Leader Resources has created an Advent and Christmas bundle which includes a no-rehearse pageant, adult and children’s formation resources, wreath making instructions, readings, and blessings, as well as seasonal artwork and a sermon.

Online Advent Resources

Vibrant Faith at Home has created a Four-week Young Adult Retreat Online with a webinar and three reflections each week.

Follow the Star is the Advent season devotional that is put together by, which is a year round online devotional written in cooperation with the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. You can sign up to receive their daily devotion reminders.

SSJE Society of Saint John the Evangelist has developed a Digital Advent Calendar which can be accessed via email and Pinterest.

ChurchNext is offering two courses specifically for Advent: Introduction to Advent with Tim Schenck and Advent for Families with Heath Howe 

Finally, Episcopal News Service is compiling a feed of Advent resources, including everything from a podcast series to ideas from congregations across the church:


May you enjoy the blessings of hope and renewal this upcoming Advent season.