Faith Formation

Older Americans Month: Video Series Focuses on Aging

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

Older Americans Month is celebrated each May to honor and recognize older adults for their contributions to families, communities, and society. The United States Administration on Aging’s theme this year, “Unleash the Power of Age,” celebrates older adults as productive, active, and influential members of society, who can share essential talents, wisdom, and life experiences with our communities.

This month, Episcopal congregations are encouraged to make a particular effort to be hospitable and welcoming to older adults, ensuring that people of all ages are valued, and that resources and assistance are provided as we go through the lifelong process of aging.

To help congregations think about the inter-generational aspects of their churches, the Episcopal Church’s Older Adult Ministries Task Force created a check list: “Is Your Church Older Adult Friendly?.”

Other resources available:

  • May 5 bulletin insert focusing on Older Adults ministries
  • Aging is Changinga five -part program developed to help clergy and lay leaders identify issues of older adults, their families, and caregivers, and to identify existing local, state and national resources that might be helpful. It also includes best practices from 60 congregations around the Episcopal Church.
  • Why Should I Care About Elder Abuse?‘ from the National Center on Elder Abuse

In addition, I will be posting original videos throughout the month that tackle various aspects of aging and the issues surrounding growing older in our society and in our Episcopal churches.

I hope you find these videos both interesting and challenging.

Please share any resources or stories you have about how you are addressing an aging population in your faith community.