Faith Formation

New Episcopal Church resources focus on older adults, faith formation

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

Two new Lifelong Christian Formation resources focusing on older adults and faith formation in the Black context are now available for congregational use, in adult forums, study groups, educational seminars, and discussion gatherings.

“Aging is Changing” and  “Stories of Transformation: Worship, Witness & Work in the Black Community” are available at no cost on the Episcopal Church website.

Aging is Changing

“Aging is Changing” is a five -part program designed to be incorporated into the life of congregations. Prepared by the Episcopal Church Office for Lifelong Christian Formation and the Executive Council Taskforce on Older Adult Ministries, “Aging is Changing” was developed to help clergy and lay leaders identify issues of older adults, their families, and caregivers, and to identify existing local, state and national resources that might be helpful. It also includes best practices from 60 congregations around the Episcopal Church.
“This resource is aimed at changing the perception that older adults become less useful as they age,” explained Ruth-Ann Collins, Episcopal Church Officer for Lifelong Formation. “It highlights the potential of this generation and signals us to remember that as Christians, we are called by God. And as a church we have adopted The Five Marks of Mission as a way to answer that call.”

Aging is Changing is available here or

Stories of Transformation: Worship, Witness & Work in the Black Community

This important offering is a series of stories shared from the personal experience of the writers – a seminarian, theologians, parish priests, activists – and is a direct response to the conversation among the young people about the place and role of storytelling in the family

Prepared by the Episcopal Church Office for Lifelong Christian Formation and the Office of Black Ministries, Stories of Transformation is recommended for congregational use by clergy and lay leaders who want to approach faith formation work in the context of the black community, providing readers the opportunity to go deeper into the stories of the black community.

“These stories illustrate the rich heritage of a community with the tension between experiences of deep sadness and the abundance of joy inform how the black community celebrate their relationship with God,” noted the Rev. Canon Angela S. Ifill, Episcopal Church Missioner for Black Ministries “This is not just for those ministering in black community. It is a gift to all Christians giving us a significant opportunity to get a glimpse into the life of the black community.”

Stories of Transformation are available at

For more information contact Ifill at