Last minute ideas for Lenten reading

Still not sure what you’re going to be reading during Lent?

Here are some ideas from Church Publishing:

Love Set Free: In this book of meditations on the Passion according to Saint John, Martin L. Smith shows how, in the Christian mystery, love itself must be crucified and die to be reborn as the grace of communion … as love set free.

Living the Resurrection: The author takes stories of the resurrection and illuminates a way for Christians and seekers to explore life in the new creation. Tying the Gospel narrative to our lives as followers of Jesus, he proposes a means for transforming people and churches through living into the resurrection with the Risen Lord.

Praises Abound: These hymns and meditations are authentic and honest reflections of seminary students who have since become priests, musicians, and educators throughout the church.

A Practical Christianity: This book samples fiction, poetry, art and music, combined with the wisdom of scripture and theology, to help pilgrims make sense of faith in the context of everyday life.

Disciples on the Way: Experience a lenten journey that will prepare us as we walk throughout our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. Mead reflects on discipleship and the season in these daily meditations for the forty days of Lent.