It’s Good to be a Small Church

From time to time I will feature articles from guest bloggers. Today the Rev. Warren Frelund, president of the Rural Ministries Network, reflects on a recent conference on small churches.


More than 3 dozen ministry team members and church leaders attended a series of workshops sponsored by the Rural Ministries Network of the Episcopal Church in Tonopah, Nevada from November 9-11, 2012.

Representatives from small churches in the Diocese of Nevada, and some neighboring small churches in eastern California, gathered to explore the topic “It’s Good to be a Small Church” from a variety of perspectives.

The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards, bishop of Nevada, led the initial workshop on Friday evening. He shared his understanding and insights concerning liturgy for small churches.

Saturday a series of four workshops were presented. Workshop topics included:

  • decision making and conflict resolution,
  • understanding and reaching out to the larger community,
  • pastoral care without clergy, and
  • asset mapping.

Each workshop balanced theory with application. Presenters in addition to Bishop Edwards, included The Rev. Bob Honeychurch, The Rev. Canon David Caffrey, The Rev. Warren Frelund, and Dr. Sue Norton. All presenters are members of the Rural Ministries Network.

Anyone interested in more information concerning workshop possibilities for these or other topics can contact The Rev. Warren Frelund, president of Rural Ministries Network ( or any of the presenters mentioned.