Faith Formation

Having Fun with Stewardship

November 6, 2014
Lifelong Formation

Today we welcome guest blogger Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. She is originally from the Diocese of Alabama where she served as Director of Christian Formation in various congregations for over 26 years. She currently serves as Chair for the CF Committee for Province VII, and is author of Wild Willy and The Prodigal Son published through LeaderResources.


Stewardship and Trivial Pursuit!

Stewardship is much more than money and I want to show you how to take a new look at the word.

How many of you like to play Trivial Pursuit?

For the next couple of minutes, I want you to think of Stewardship like playing a game of Trivial Pursuit.

Seven weeks before our Pledge Card ingathering, I sent to each child in the congregation a Trivial Pursuit playing piece on 1/2 a sheet of cardstock with all the pie pieces in there. On the “orange” pie piece, I typed our parish name and the year. On the card, I told them that each week they would receive a postcard with another color pie piece and some information to help them understand stewardship. They were to discuss this with their parents and see how they could contribute to the life, well-being, and ministry of the parish.

Then the fun began.  First week was information about the blue pie piece. Each week was put onto ½ sheet of card stock. Each week had a different theme as we spelled out “GIFTS” and gave information about each gift, tied it in with Scripture, and then a fun fact.

Below is the card for the first week.

  • Blue Pie Piece – Gifts – The use of our gifts invites us to consider those special skills we have and how to use them to the Glory of God and how to serve others. All that we are and all that we have are gifts from God. God calls us to use our gifts, no matter how great or small. If you can use your Gifts here at our church, take a blue pie piece.
  • Pink Pie Piece – Insides – Stewardship of your insides may seem unusual. However we are called to take care of ourselves through wellness of heart, mind, body, and soul. We do this through eating healthy foods, exercising, and providing our minds with things to keep it strong. It is also necessary to take care of our relationships. Is there something blocking you from being in full community with your neighbors? Is there a friendship that needs mending?  Do you need to ask someone for forgiveness? If you will give of the stewardship of your insides, take a pink pie piece.
  • Green Pie Piece – Funds – The Bible teaches us to live gratefully, regularly, proportionately, joyfully, and from our first fruits, not our leftovers. Tithing is an important spiritual practice. It helps us establish a healthy regard for money. It helps us live the life God hopes we will have. Part of the work God is calling each of us to do is to support the life and work of our congregation. If you are willing to give funds, take a blue pie piece.
  • Yellow  Pie Piece – Time – For everything there is a season. Our time encourages us to find a balance in life between family, school, play, and spiritual growth. If you are willing to spend more time with God, take a yellow pie piece.
  • Brown Pie Piece – Surroundings – “And God blessed them and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply…And so it was. And God saw everything that he had made and it was very good. Surroundings are places we visit, our school grounds, our community and our church. We know at the time of creation, God said it was very good. Do you think God would say the same today? We are called to be good stewards by recycling, reusing and reducing consumption of our resources. If you can think of something you can do to make your surroundings a better place, take a brown pie piece.

Below is a copy of the first card that was sent to the children.

Have any creative and fun stewardship ideas? Write them in the comments below or on the Lifelong Formation Facebook page.

Sending prayers out to all faith communities during stewardship season.