An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Hobart Chancel

” An arrangement of church interiors that was favored in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by John Henry Hobart, Assistant Bishop of New York, 1811-1816, and diocesan bishop, […]

Hobart College, Geneva, New York

Hobart College, first called Geneva College, grew out of the Geneva Academy which was in operation prior to 1800. The Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, third Bishop of New York, […]

Hobart, John Henry

(Sept. 14, 1775-Sept. 12, 1830). Bishop, high church leader, and author. His famous phrase describing his position was “Evangelical Truth and Apostolic Order.” He was born in Philadelphia. He studied […]

Hobson, Henry Wise

(May 16, 1891-Feb. 9, 1983). Bishop and publisher. He was born in Denver, Colorado. Hobson graduated from Yale University in 1914. After two years in the Army, he graduated from […]

Hodges, George

(Oct. 6, 1856-May 27, 1919). A leading proponent of the opportunities for ministry in urban churches. He was born in Rome, New York. Hodges graduated from Hamilton College in 1877. […]

Hoffman Hall, Fisk University

A seminary to train “colored men for the work of the ministry.” On July 15, 1889, Bishop Charles Todd Quintard of Tennessee laid the cornerstone for Hoffman Hall on land […]

Hoffman, Cadwallader Colden

(Dec. 15, 1819-Nov. 25, 1865). Missionary to Liberia. He was born in New York City and graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 1848. He was ordained deacon on July […]

Hoffman, Eugene Augustus

(Mar. 21, 1829-June 17, 1902). Third dean of the General Theological Seminary. He was born in New York City. Hoffman studied first at Rutgers College and then received his B.A. […]

Hoffman, Virginia Haviside Hale

(Oct. 14, 1832-Mar. 23, 1855). One of the earliest Episcopal missionaries to Liberia. She was born in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Early in life she became interested in missions to foreign unbelievers. […]


See Notes of the Church.

Holiness, Code of

The name scholars have given to the collection of cultic and moral laws in Lv 17-26. It was apparently one of the sources used by the authors of the priestly […]

Holly, James Theodore

(Oct. 3, 1829-Mar. 13, 1911). Missionary to Haiti and first Bishop of Haiti. He was born in Washington, D.C. Holly was raised a Roman Catholic but became an Episcopalian. He […]

Holmes, Urban Tigner, III

(June 12, 1930-Aug. 6, 1981). Priest, seminary dean, teacher, and writer. He was born in Durham, North Carolina. Holmes received his B.A. in 1950 and his M.A. in 1954, both […]

Holy Communion

See Eucharist.

Holy Cross Day

A major feast observed on Sept. 14 in honor of Christ's self-offering on the cross for our salvation. The collect for Holy Cross Day recalls that Christ "was lifted high […]

Holy Days

In a general sense, a holy day is any day set apart for special observance because of its significance for faith. The BCP Calendar of the church year specifically lists […]

Holy Eucharist

See Eucharist.

Holy Hour

Devotion in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist for an hour. See Eucharistic Adoration.

Holy Innocents, The

Male infants slaughtered by King Herod the Great in Bethlehem in an unsuccessful attempt to kill the “king of the Jews.” The Gospel of Matthew, ch. 2, records that the […]

Holy Matrimony

See Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage.

2647 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.