Glossary of Terms
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (ETSS)
The idea for a seminary in Austin, Texas, was initiated in 1945. The Rt. Rev. Clinton S. Quinn, Bishop of Texas, approached the Board of Trustees of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary about training Episcopal students at the Presbyterian seminary in a cooperative program. Nothing came of this first effort. However, in 1951 three Episcopal […]
Episcopal Visitation
A bishop's official pastoral visit to a congregation of the diocese. Canon law requires every diocesan bishop to visit every congregation in his or her diocese at least once every three years. The canonical purposes of a visitation are for the bishop to examine the condition of the congregation, oversee the clergy, preach, confirm, preside […]
Episcopal Visitors
The 1988 General Convention passed the legislation which created Episcopal Visitors. This legislation was to deal pastorally with those bishops, priests, deacons, and lay persons who were unable to accept women bishops. It allowed the Presiding Bishop to designate members of the House of Bishops to act as Episcopal Visitors. They were to provide episcopal […]
Episcopal Watchman
This journal was published at Hartford, Connecticut, from Mar. 26, 1827, until Nov. 2, 1833, when it was absorbed by the Churchman. Its motto was “the Gospel of Christ in the Church of Christ.” It was founded and at first edited and published by George Washington Doane and William Croswell (1804-1851).
A member of the Episcopal Church. The term is used as a noun, not as an adjective. The term can be applied to a member of any church under the leadership of bishops. See Episcopal.
Episcopalian Harmony, The
A collection of hymns that was approved by General Convention and published in 1811 by John Cole in Baltimore. It was reprinted in 1817. The layout of text and music employed by Cole in this collection was adopted in Episcopal chant collections for the next several decades.
Episcopalian, The
Predecessor to Episcopal Life. This monthly journal began publication in Apr. 1960, and continued Forth and The Spirit of Missions. The first issue stated that it was published by the Church Magazine Advisory Board by authority of the General Convention. It continued the numbering of The Spirit of Missions, which meant that the Apr. 1960 […]
Episcopate, Episcopacy, Episcopos
Church governance under the leadership of bishops. The term is from the Greek for "overseer." The Prayer Book service for the ordination of a bishop states that a bishop "is called to be one with the apostles in proclaiming Christ's resurrection and interpreting the Gospel, and to testify to Christ's sovereignty as Lord of lords […]
Episcopi Vaganti
“Wandering bishops” who acquired episcopal orders in an irregular or surreptitious manner. They are unaffiliated with any historic Christian body or jurisdiction. Their episcopal acts have questionable validity. See Jurisdiction (episcopal); see Independent Bishops.
Literally, a letter, the name was given to the first of the two NT readings in the eucharist. The majority of these passages were taken from the epistolary literature of the NT, such as the letters of Paul to communities of Christians in various places. On occasion, other books (Acts, Revelation, or OT readings) were […]
Epistle Side
See Gospel Side.
The lector who reads the epistle in the liturgy of the word at the eucharist. The term “epistle” may be applied to any NT reading at the eucharist, including a selection from the epistles, Acts, or Revelation. The epistoler may be vested, depending on local custom.
Concerning the solitary life of a hermit. In Christianity, the earliest hermits were the Desert Fathers of third-century Egypt. Some religious orders, like the Carthusians, retain elements of the eremitic lifestyle in their rule. They live in separate dwellings but gather for meals and worship. See Hermit, Hermitess.
Erie, Diocese of
When the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania was organized in 1910, it was called the Diocese of Erie. It used that name until Nov. 14, 1981, when the name was changed to the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Theology of the last things, the end of time and history, the coming of the Kingdom of God. Use of the term dates from the nineteenth century. It is from the Greek, eschatos, “last.” Eschatology concerns the final end and meaning of all things, but it is possible to distinguish individual, social, and universal aspects […]
The term (from the Greek, eschaton, “last”) denotes the end of history when God will act decisively to establish the divine rule of justice and peace throughout the created order. Jesus refers to the eschaton as “the Kingdom of God,” which he proclaimed to have “come near” (Mk 1:15). In Christian understanding, the resurrection of […]
Essays and Reviews
This volume, published in England in 1860, was a significant collection of essays advocating a free and open interpretation of Holy Scripture. It included essays by Mark Pattison, Benjamin Jowett, and Frederick Temple. The collection was condemned in 1861 by the bishops of the Church of England because several of the essays were thought to […]
Essays Catholic and Critical
This collection of fifteen essays by liberal catholics of the Church of England was edited by Edward Gordon Selwyn. It was published in 1926. It was an effort to take seriously both the catholic tradition and critical scholarship. The contributors felt compelled to “think out afresh the content and the grounds of their religion.” They […]
Esse, Bene Esse, Plene Esse
Terms for characterizing the significance of a doctrine or practice for the church. Esse indicates that which is of the essence of the very existence of the life of the church. Bene esse indicates that which is of benefit for the life of the church. Plene esse indicates that which is of the fullness of […]
Establishment of Religion
An arrangement in which a religion or a particular religious institution enjoys official status and the state may enforce conformity. The establishment of Christianity began with Constantine the Great (d. 337) who first tolerated Christianity instead of persecuting it, and then later actively sought to make it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Established […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.