An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Freeman, George Washington

(June 13, 1789-Apr. 29, 1858). Missionary Bishop. He was born in Sandwich, Massachusetts. After Freeman moved to North Carolina around 1822, he studied for the ordained ministry. He was ordained deacon on Oct. 8, 1826, and priest on May 20, 1827. For two years, 1827-1829, he was a missionary in North Carolina. In 1829 he became the rector of Christ Church, Raleigh, where he remained until 1840. In 1840 he became rector of St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tennessee, and in 1841-1842, he served as rector of Trinity Church, Swedesborough, New Jersey. After two years as rector of Immanuel Church, Newcastle, Delaware, he was consecrated the second Missionary Bishop of Arkansas and the Indian Territory on Oct. 26, 1844. As Missionary Bishop of Arkansas, Freeman “exercised Episcopal functions” over the Episcopal missions in the Republic of Texas. Freeman died in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.