Glossary of Terms
Winkworth, Catherine
(Sept. 13, 1827-July 1, 1878). Hymn translator. She was born in London. She was interested in educational and social problems and became secretary of an association for the promotion of higher education for women in 1870, governor of Red Maids' School, Bristol, promoter of Clifton High School for Girls, and a member of the Cheltenham […]
Wisconsin, Diocese of
In 1836 Wisconsin was organized as a Missionary territory under the jurisdiction of Bishop Samuel A. McCroskey of Michigan. On Sept. 12, 1838, the House of Bishops voted to give jurisdiction over Wisconsin to Jackson Kemper, Missionary Bishop of Indiana and Missouri. On June 24-25, 1847, the Diocese of Wisconsin was organized at St. Paul's […]
Wisdom Literature
The wisdom literature of the OT consists of the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth). Among the books of the Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus (The Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach) and the Wisdom of Solomon also belong to this wisdom category. In contrast to other parts of the OT, such as the Pentateuch and […]
Wonder, Love, And Praise: A Supplement to The Hymnal 1982
An eclectic collection of two hundred hymns, songs, and spiritual songs with a selection of service music and devotional pieces, published by Church Publishing Incorporated in 1997. It is a resource for parish functions, home use, and Sunday worship. It includes twelve bilingual hymns, and twenty-nine selections of music for table graces, rounds, and acclamations. […]
Wood Bridge Newsletter, The
Published by members of the Anglo-Orthodox Society in the Diocese of Albany to bring the society to the attention of Episcopalians. The Anglo-Orthodox Society was founded in England. Its purpose is the “revival of Orthodoxy within the Anglican Communion, and the promotion of unity in truth.” Its members “affirm the true Faith of Anglicans is […]
Worcester, Elwood
(May 16, 1862-July 19, 1940). Founder of the Emmanuel Movement. He was born in Massillon, Ohio, and grew up in Rochester, New York. Worcester graduated from Columbia College in 1887 and then studied at General Theological Seminary. From 1888 until 1890 he was superintendent of the Sunday School at St. Ann's, Brooklyn. He was ordained […]
Word of God, The
This phrase can indicate the effective and creative verbal expression of God's power; or the Holy Scriptures that were written under God's inspiration; or Jesus Christ, the Logos, the eternal Son of God, the Word made flesh (Jn 1:1-14). The power of God's creative word is shown in Genesis (1:3) when God said “'let there […]
Words of Administration (of Communion)
Ministers of the sacrament say these words as the bread and wine are given to the communicants. In a Rite 2 Eucharist, the ministers may say “The Body (Blood) of our Lord Jesus Christ keep you in everlasting life” or “The Body of Christ, the bread of heaven/The Blood of Christ, the cup of salvation” […]
Words of Institution
See Institution Narrative.
Wordsworth, Christopher
(Oct. 30, 1807-Mar. 21, 1885). Hymn writer and bishop. A nephew of the poet William Wordsworth, he was born at Lambeth, where his father was rector. He was educated at Winchester School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he served as a fellow from 1830 to 1836. Wordsworth was headmaster at Harrow School, 1836-1844. He was […]
The term, from the Anglo Saxon, means to pay someone what is their due. It was used in the sixteenth century relative to God and human beings. In the Sarum and English Prayer Book marriage rites, the groom said to the bride, ” . . . with my body I thee worship.” Certain British magistrates […]
Worthington College, Worthington, Ohio
Former church-related college. In the summer of 1817 the Rev. Philander Chase moved to Worthington and soon became principal of the academy there. On Feb. 8, 1819, the legislature gave the academy a college charter and Chase became president. In 1821 Chase moved to Cincinnati, and in 1828 the teachers and students moved to Kenyon […]
Wright, Elizabeth Evelyn
(Lizzie) (Apr. 3, 1872-Dec. 14, 1906). Pioneer educator among African Americans. She was born in Talbotton, Georgia. Wright was the seventh child of an African American carpenter and former slave, John Wesley Wright, and a full-blooded Cherokee Indian mother, Virginia Rolfe. Wright graduated from Tuskegee Industrial School in 1894. She was determined to open schools […]
Wuhu, Missionary District of
On Oct. 11, 1910, the House of Bishops voted to divide the Missionary District of Hankow in China and create the Missionary District of Wuhu. It was known as the Missionary District of Wuhu until Oct. 17, 1913, when the name was changed to the Missionary District of Anking. It became a part of the […]
(c. 1008-Jan. 18, 1095). Bishop of Worcester during the Norman Conquest. He was born in Long Itchington, near Warwick, England, and educated at the monastic schools at Evesham and Peterborough. Wulfstan was ordained between 1033 and 1038. He became a monk at Worcester, where he later became prior. On Sept. 8, 1062, he was consecrated […]
Wycliffe, John
(c. 1330-1384). English reformer of the fourteenth century. Wycliffe was born in Ipreswell (now Hipswell) in Yorkshire, England. He entered Oxford University around 1345 and received his doctorate in theology around 1372. Wycliffe was appointed rector of Fillingham, Lincolnshire, in 1361, warden of Canterbury Hall in 1365, rector of Ludgershall in 1368, and finally rector […]
Wyoming, Diocese of
Wyoming was part of the Missionary District of the Northwest from Oct. 19, 1859, until Oct. 21, 1865, when it came under the jurisdiction of the Missionary District of Colorado and Parts Adjacent. From Oct. 4, 1866, until Oct. 30, 1874, it was part of the Missionary District of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. On […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.