An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Church and State

See Protestant Churchman, The.

Church and the World, The

This quarterly periodical began publication in Jan., 1872, and ceased publication in 1874. It was an Anglo-Catholic publication.

Church at Work, The

A publication of the Publicity Department of the Presiding Bishop and Council. It began publication in Sept. 1920. It is no longer in existence.

Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP)

One of the eleven Episcopal seminaries accredited by the Association of Theological Schools, this school was founded by Bishop William Ford Nichols of California. It opened on Oct. 18, 1893, at San Mateo, California. In Apr., 1930, the school moved to Berkeley, its present location. One of its most significant faculty members was liturgical scholar […]

Church Eclectic, The

This journal began publication on Mar. 15, 1873, and carried the subtitle “A Magazine of Church Opinion, Religious Literature, and Ecclesiastical Miscellany.” The first editor and proprietor was the Rev. William Thomas Gibson (1822-1896). In Apr. 1878 the subtitle was changed to “A Monthly Magazine of Church Literature and Church Work; With Notes and Summaries.” […]

Church in Japan, The

This journal was published six times a year to create interest among American Episcopalians in the Japan Mission. It first appeared in Dec. 1894, and in 1896 it became a monthly publication. The last issue was Dec. 1900.

Church Intelligencer, The

This weekly publication was the principal organ of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. It was published at Raleigh, North Carolina, from Mar. 14, 1860 until Apr. 8, 1864. On Sept. 14, 1864, publication was resumed at Charlotte under the direction of the Episcopal Publishing Association. It was published until May 4, 1865.

Church Journal, The

This periodical was published in New York City. It was a vigorous Anglo-Catholic publication. It began publication on Feb. 5, 1853. Its leading editor was John Henry Hopkins, Jr. (1820-1891). It merged with the Gospel Messenger. With the Nov. 4, 1872, issue it carried the new title, Church Journal and Gospel Messenger. It ceased publication […]

Church Missions House

In Oct., 1836, a joint committee was formed to confer on securing a building for the work of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. In 1888 the Rev. William Langford, general secretary of the Missionary Society, argued that the church needed a headquarters so that its missionary activities could be centrally administered. A site was […]

Church Monthly

This journal was published in Boston from Jan. 1861, until 1870. It was founded by Frederic Dan Huntington and George Maxwell Randall (1810-1873). In 1870 it became the Church Weekly, of New York. However, it survived for only another year. See Huntington, Frederic Dan.

Church of England

Before the sixteenth-century Reformation in western Europe, the Christian church in a given country or region was customarily described as the church of the region, such as the Gallican Church, the Spanish Church, the English Church (Lat. ecclesia anglicana), or the Church of England. After the Reformation, the English national church continued to be called […]

Church of St Mary the Virgin, New York City

Ritualistic parish. This parish was founded in 1868 by the Rev. Thomas McKee Brown to be a free church in the full tradition of catholic faith and worship. The original building, erected on West 45th Street on property given by John Jacob Astor, was dedicated on Dec. 8, 1870. The growth of the parish led […]

Church of the Advent, Boston

It was founded by lay people in 1844 and has long been one of the leading Anglo-catholic parishes in the American Church. Its strong adherence to the principles of the Oxford Movement and the ritualist movement often has put it at odds with other Episcopalians. Innovative practices concerning liturgy and parish governance led to conflict […]

Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia

This parish was founded in 1886, and its first service was held on Nov. 28, 1886. Its building is modeled on the Cathedral of Amiens in France. It was constructed between 1890 and 1897. The cornerstone was laid on May 30, 1892, and the church was consecrated on Oct. 11, 1897. Although the church was […]

Church of the Carpenter, Boston

Organized in 1890 by William Dwight Porter Bliss as an experiment in Christian Socialism, the notice announcing its formation declared that “the Church of Christ, in her true spirit, is a Christian Socialist Church.” It attracted many Christian Socialists, including Wellesley professor and staunch churchwoman Vida Dutton Scudder. The church participated in the struggle for […]

Church of the Holy Communion, New York

The parish was founded in 1844 by William Augustus Muhlenberg. The cornerstone was laid on July 25, 1844. The church was built with funds from Muhlenberg's sister, Mary Anna C. Rogers, the widow of John Rogers. The church building was designed by Richard Upjohn and consecrated on Dec. 13, 1846. The parish's ministry took the […]

Church of the Transfiguration, New York

A pioneer Anglo-catholic parish of the Episcopal Church. It was organized in 1849. The founder and first rector was the Rev. George H. Houghton. Confessions were heard there, and it had altar candles and a processional cross, which were rare and controversial for the time. This parish claims to have had the first vested choir […]

Church Orders

Ancient church documents containing a variety of materials for the instruction and ordering of the church, including liturgical descriptions, models, and directions. Significant Church Orders included the Didache (second century), the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus (215), the Didascalia Apostolorum (third century), and the Apostolic Constitutions (late fourth century). These Church Orders were formative for the […]

Church Record, The

See Episcopal Recorder, The.

306 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.