An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Cheshire, Joseph Blount, Jr.

(Mar. 27, 1850-Dec. 27, 1932). Bishop and church historian. He was born in Tarborough, North Carolina. After graduating from Trinity College, Hartford, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in North Carolina in 1872. In 1876 he began to read theology. On Apr. 21, 1878, he was ordained deacon, and on May 30, […]


See Labarum.

Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral

Statement of the four Anglican essentials for a reunited Christian Church. It concerns the scriptures, creeds, sacraments, and the historic episcopate. It was approved by the House of Bishops at the 1886 General Convention in Chicago, and subsequently approved with modifications by the bishops of the Anglican Communion at the Lambeth Conference of 1888. A […]

Chicago, Diocese of

The primary convention of the Diocese of Illinois met at the “Episcopal Hall of Worship” in Peoria, Mar. 9, 1835. The General Convention of 1877 voted to divide the Diocese of Illinois into three dioceses-Illinois, Quincy, and Springfield. The name was changed to the Diocese of Chicago on May 28, 1884. On Mar. 4, 1861, […]


This robe without sleeves is worn over an alb or rochet as part of the vestments of a bishop. At first it was simply the outer garment in general use. It was of one piece with openings for head and arms. Not until the introduction of wigs did it open down center front. The chimere […]

China, Missionary District of

The General Convention of 1844 elected William Jones Boone the Missionary Bishop of China. He was consecrated on Oct. 26, 1844. The 1874 General Convention changed the name to “Missionary Bishop of Shanghai, with jurisdiction in China.” The General Convention of 1901 voted to divide China into the Missionary District of Shanghai and the Missionary […]


A body of singers who provide musical leadership for congregational singing in the worship of the church. Choirs may also sing anthems or make other special musical offerings to beautify and enhance the experience of worship. The primary role of the choir is to lead and support the congregation's worship through singing, not to provide […]

Choir Loft

A gallery set aside for the seating of the choir and placement of an organ and other instruments. It is usually in the west end of the nave.

Choir Office

A service, typically one of the Daily Offices, which is sung or said in the choir space of the chancel.

Choir Stall

Seating for a choir, usually a row of benches with backs, kneelers, and a rack for music.


A musician who provides training and leadership of a choir.

Choral Service

In a choral service, certain texts of the liturgy are sung rather than spoken by the officiant, choir, and people. A choral celebration of the Holy Eucharist is one in which portions of the ordinary and the propers are sung by the officiant, choir, and congregation. Choral Matins is a service of Morning Prayer in […]


Persons who sing in a choir.

Chorley, Edward Clowes

(May 6, 1865-Nov. 2, 1949). Historiographer of the Episcopal Church, founder and editor of the Historical Magazine. He was born in Manchester, England. Chorley graduated from Richmond College in England in 1888, and served for a number of years in the Methodist ministry. He then came to the United States. Chorley was ordained deacon on […]


Consecrated oil used for anointing the newly baptized person with the sign of the cross at baptism. At this consignation, the bishop or priest says to each newly baptized person that “you are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and marked as Christ's own for ever” (BCP, p. 308). Chrism must be consecrated by […]


The Nicene Creed affirms that Jesus Christ was eternally begotten and the only Son of God the Father, and is of one being with the Father, "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God." All things were made through him; he came down from heaven for us and for our salvation; he […]

Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia

The City of Alexandria was founded in 1749, and a chapel-of-ease, or branch church for the ease of parishioners distant from the main parish church at Falls Church, Virginia, was located there by 1753. In 1765 the growth of local population led the Virginia legislature to divide the parish, which included Alexandria, into two. A […]

Christ Church, Philadelphia

This church was founded on Nov. 15, 1695, with the assistance of Henry Compton, the Bishop of London, who had responsibility for the Church of England in the American colonies. It was the first Anglican church founded in the Pennsylvania colony. In 1758 St. Peter's Church was founded in the city, and in 1761 the […]

Christ School, Arden, North Carolina

This school was founded in 1900 by the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wetmore on land deeded to them by Mrs. Wetmore's family, the Robertsons. The school was established as a mission to the underprivileged children of western North Carolina. It began under the jurisdiction of the Missionary District of Asheville. It offered an education […]

Christ the King Sunday

Feast celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church on the last Sunday of the liturgical year. It celebrates Christ's messianic kingship and sovereign rule over all creation. The feast is unofficially celebrated in some Episcopal parishes, but it is not mentioned in the Episcopal calendar of the church year. Marion Hatchett notes […]

306 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.