Glossary of Terms
Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register, The
This periodical was published under five different titles. It was at various times quarterly, monthly, and bimonthly. From Apr. 1848 until Apr. 1858, and from Apr. until Oct. 1889, it was called The Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register. From July 1858 until Jan. 1870, it was The American Quarterly Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register. It […]
Church Review, The
See Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register, The.
Church Standard, The
The weekly Standard of the Cross merged with The Church in 1892 to become The Church Standard. It was a weekly periodical published in Philadelphia. The first issue was published on May 14, 1892, and in July 1908, it was absorbed by The Churchman.
Church Training and Deaconess House of the Diocese of Pennsylvania
The second training school for deaconesses in the Episcopal Church. It opened in Jan., 1891, in Philadelphia. It had a two-year course of study for women desiring to be deaconesses. In 1939 the school became the Department of Women of the Divinity School in Philadelphia. As the Department of Women, it trained women as deaconesses, […]
Church Weekly
In 1870 the Church Monthly of Boston became the Church Weekly of New York. It survived for only about one year.
Church Work
This journal was founded and edited by Mary Abbot Emery Twing to promote communication among women church workers. Its sub-title was “A Monthly Magazine for Church Workers,” and it was published from Nov. 1885 until Oct. 1889. Twing used the journal to promote the deaconess movement. The General Convention passed a Canon on Deaconesses in […]
Church, The
The community of faith headed by Christ, the body of Christ in the world (see 1 Cor 12:12-27; Eph 1:22-23, 4:12, 5:29-30). Baptism is full initiation into the church, and all baptized persons are members of the church (BCP, pp. 299, 854). The church is the community of the New Covenant, the People of God, […]
Church’s Teaching Series, The
The Church's Teaching Series is a series of volumes written to provide adults with the basic content teaching of the Episcopal Church. The first series was done by an author's committee under the chairmanship of John Heuss, the director of the Department of Christian Education of the National Council. The first series had six volumes: […]
Churching of Women
A liturgy for the purification or “churching” of women after childbirth, together with the presentation in church of the child. The rite is based on scriptural sources, especially the ritual purification of Mary and Presentation of Christ in Lk 2: 22-38. Following the title in the Sarum use, Cranmer called the 1549 rite “The Order […]
Churchman, Churchmanship
Before the sixteenth-century Reformation, when there was only one Christian church in England, the word “churchman” designated an ecclesiastic or clergyman. After the establishment of religious toleration in England by the Act of Toleration in 1689, it came to designate any person, whether cleric or lay, who is a member of the established church-the Church […]
Churchman, The
This weekly journal began publication on Mar. 26, 1831. It carried the slogan, “The Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth.” In Nov. 1833, it absorbed the Episcopal Watchman. It suspended publication with the May 2, 1861 issue because of the Civil War, and then resumed publication in 1867. It […]
Churchman’s Human Quest, The
See Churchman, The.
Churchman’s Magazine, The
The first regular periodical in the Episcopal Church. It began publication in Jan. 1804, at New Haven, Connecticut. Its full title was The Churchman's Monthly Magazine, or Treasury of Divine and Useful Knowledge. In Apr. 1808 it began to be published in New York. John Henry Hobart served as Editor until 1811. It was not […]
Churchman’s Monthly Magazine, The
This journal described itself as a repository of religious, literary, and entertaining knowledge for the Christian family. It was published in New York from Jan. 1854, until Dec. 1861.
Cincinnati Summer School
Founded in 1923, the school was a joint project of the Department of Social Service of the National Council of the Episcopal Church and the Social Service Department of the Diocese of Southern Ohio. It was called the Cincinnati Summer School in Social Work and sometimes the Cincinnati Summer School in Social Service. Its work […]
Circumcision, Feast of the
See Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The.
Claggett, Thomas John
(Oct. 2, 1743-Aug. 2, 1816). The first Bishop of Maryland and the first Episcopal bishop consecrated on American soil. He was born in Prince George's County, Maryland, and graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) in 1762. He pursued theological studies under the tutelage of his uncle, a priest. He was ordained […]
(July 16, 1194-Aug. 11, 1253). She was born in Assisi, Italy. Clare came under the influence of St. Francis. On Mar. 18, 1212, she took the three monastic vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and went to reside in the Benedictine convent of St. Paul in Assisi. Soon she was joined by her sister Agnes, […]
Clark, Lois Carter
(1910-Nov. 19, 1985). Leading Native American churchwoman. She was born in Council Hill, Oklahoma. Clark was a member of the Creek Nation and a longtime English teacher. She was a leader at every level of the church from her parish, St. John's Church, Brookline, Oklahoma, to the diocesan Episcopal Church Women, the National Committee for […]
Clark, Thomas March
(July 4, 1812-Sept. 7, 1903). Twelfth Presiding Bishop. He was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He graduated from Yale College in 1831 and worked for two years as a teacher. Clark was raised a Presbyterian. He studied at Princeton Theological Seminary and was licensed as a preacher after his graduation in 1835. He soon applied for […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.