Five Questions with Janice Price

Reflection from the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England

Who am I?

I am Janice Price and my role is World Mission Advisor for the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. I am also an Ordinand at the end of my second year of three training for ordination in the Church of England.

Where am I finding hope during COVID?

I am finding hope in the strength of relationships both personal and professional. Somehow relationships across vast divides of culture and economics have been sustaining me day by day. For example, a friend in the Anglican Church of Sierra Leone sends me a daily reflection written by their clergy. She started this in Lent and it has continued. I have found amazing wisdom in these short, pithy reflections on Scripture.

What is my community’s greatest strength?

My immediate answer is ‘which community?’ I am part of my local church community. It’s greatest strength is the way the church cares for people regardless of whether they are church goers or not. Then, there is the world mission community which is remarkable for its breadth of vision and compassion.

Why is being part of the Anglican Communion important to me?

This response continues on from the previous question. The Anglican Communion is one part of the Body of Christ which values collegiality and the place of lay and ordained people together. It is diverse, complex, exhilarating, frustrating and joy-giving all at the same time.

How can we be praying for you and your community?

Please pray for strength for all engaged in world mission at this time. For strength of vision and adaptability.