Five Questions with Dr. Anne Fredericks Cooper

Reflection from the Diocese of Liberia

Who are you? 

I am Dr. Anne Fredericks Cooper, a Liberian female Priest within the Diocese of Liberia. I am currently assigned as a Priest at Trinity Cathedral, Monrovia, Liberia. Besides my regular pastoral duties at the Cathedral, I lead workshops and trainings in various ministry contexts – Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors, Lay Readers, Sunday School Teachers, Bible Study etc. I serve on the Board of Cuttington University, our Episcopal university, and am a lecturer of Christian Education at the Seth C. Edwards Memorial Theological Institute.

Where are you finding hope during the time of COVID-19?

I am finding hope in the resilience of a faith community to adjust and accept a new form of worship in our Diocese. Ours is a community of touchers and huggers, yet, we have accepted the restraints imposed by this virus believing that ‘this too shall pass away.’

What is your community’s greatest strength?

The greatest strength I find is the togetherness and support of members of the community. Liberia has had many civil and epidemic challenges over the years. We have been resilient through our constant faith and God’s abiding deliverance of His people who continue to trust in Him.

Why is being a part of the world-wide Anglican Communion important to you?

The world-wide Anglican Communion is a cohesive body. Therefore, if one member suffers, we all do. As a group we serve ‘one Lord, one faith, one Baptism.’ We must always seek the common good of all members despite boundaries of culture, race or independent views.

How can we be praying for you and your community?

As we also pray for you, we hope that you would remember especially the poor and needy in our community who cannot afford to support themselves after loosing jobs and are hardly able to feed their families. We ask your prayers for those afflicted by the COVID-19 disease to be delivered from the illness. We ask your prayers for guidance for the Government and for all health workers that they may be guided to make right decisions for the healing of our Country.