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St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Buffalo, NY

Browse by Diocese – M


The Episcopal Diocese of Maine comprises 10,000 people worshipping in 59 churches and ministries across the state.


The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland comprises the northern and central Maryland counties and the city of Baltimore. It is one of the nine original dioceses of the Episcopal Church, tracing its roots back to 1608


The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, established in 1784, is one of the first Episcopal dioceses organized in the United States, and is among the largest, with 79,000 members and 194 congregations.


The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan comprises 95 congregations in southeastern lower Michigan. 18 of the congregations are in the city of Detroit; others go north approaching Grand Blanc and west to Lansing and Hillsdale.


The Episcopal Church in Minnesota maintains one of the largest Departments of Indian Work in the entire Episcopal Church, with faith communities on nearly every reservation in Minnesota. Additionally, the diocese supports faith communities worshiping in several languages, including Hmong and Spanish. It comprises 22,000 members and 106 congregations.


The Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi has approximately 20,000 members. Mississippi Episcopalians are particularly involved in the ministry of racial reconciliation, a ministry that has been handed down since the 1960s when the Diocese took an active role in the Civil Rights Movement.


The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri comprises 14,598 members and 49 congregations. 


The Episcopal Diocese of Montana, established in 1904, covers 25 counties and comprises 5,400 members and 43 congregations, many in small rural communities throughout the state.