Episcopal Youth Event

EYE17 Transportation and Registration Q&A

What information is needed to register youth and adult chaperones for the 2017 Episcopal Youth Event (EYE17)?

Here are the details you need for registration:

  • Full legal name
  • Preferred name (for nametags)
  • Gender (male, female, transgender, non-binary)
  • Age
  • Grade in school, 2016-2017
  • Demographic details
    • Alaska Native/American Indian – please specify
    • Asian – please specify
    • Black/African American – please specify
    • Hispanic/Latino – please specify
    • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander – please specify
    • White/Caucasian – please specify
    • Other – please specify
  • Fluent in English?
  • Need simultaneous interpretation? If so, what language?
  • Dietary needs, accessibility, or other considerations.
  • T-shirt size

We have two sample applications from other dioceses to share – Diocese of Michigan from from the 2014 EYE (click here to download) and Diocese of Western Michigan for EYE17 (click here to download). Others may be uploaded to our closed Diocesan Registrars’ Facebook group.

What does participation in EYE17 cost?

EYE17 will cost $350 per participant, whether youth or adult. This includes 11 meals, lodging during the event, transportation to and from the Oklahoma City airport, all EYE17 workshops and plenary sessions, and any other regularly planned activities during EYE17. It does not include transportation to and from Oklahoma City or any pre-or post-EYE17 activities. A deposit will be required at the time of registration in early 2017 with the remainder due later that spring.

What transportation will be provided?

EYE17 will provide round-trip transportation between the Oklahoma City airport (OKC) and the campus of University of Central Oklahoma (UCO). Bus times will be arranged based on travel itineraries, which will be collected in early spring. The cost of this service is included in the registration fee. Each diocese is responsible for making arrangements for arrival on Monday, July 10 at OKC or other transportation to EYE17, such as buses, carpooling, etc. 

When do I need to arrive and depart EYE17?

The registration desk will open on Monday, July 10 after 1 pm. You should not plan to be on campus before that time. There will be no official EYE17 events offered on Monday, July 10 however we will offer activities for the afternoon and evening. Official programming for EYE17 will run July 11, 12 and 13. Departure is on Friday, July 14th. Everyone must depart campus by 11 am. Breakfast will be provided and for early departures a bag breakfast will be offered.

May I bring guests to EYE17?

EYE17 will completely fill available space at UCO. As such, you may not bring guests to EYE17. If you are traveling with individuals unrelated to the event, they will need to find their own off-campus housing. However, they may not join us for EYE17 activities. Individuals interested in supporting EYE17 may apply to participate as a member of the Pastoral Care Team. Click here for more information. November 4 is the application deadline.

Can I request a specific type of room on campus at EYE17?

Unless you require an accessible room, we cannot provide a specific style of room during your stay at EYE17. We will be in dorm-style housing and anticipate filling every space so you will be required to share with a roommate.

Will there be events following EYE17?

There will not be a mission experience offered after EYE17. If you are interested in local mission opportunities, contact Sabrina Evans, Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, SEvans@epiok.org.